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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 Third Term History Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 Third Term History Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: The Cold War

Lesson Note: Explore the ideological conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. Discuss key events, such as the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Space Race.


Scheme of Work: Organize a class debate on the impact of the Cold War on global politics. Assign a research project on a Cold War era leader.


Week 2: Decolonization

Lesson Note: Examine the process of decolonization in Africa and Asia. Discuss the challenges and consequences faced by newly independent nations.


Scheme of Work: Conduct a simulation of a decolonization negotiation. Assign a project on the role of key leaders in the decolonization process.


Week 3: Post-War Economic Boom

Lesson Note: Investigate the economic recovery and boom in the post-World War II period. Discuss the Marshall Plan and the establishment of international organizations.


Scheme of Work: Organize a class discussion on the factors contributing to the post-war economic boom. Assign a project on the impact of economic policies.


Week 4: The Civil Rights Movement

Lesson Note: Examine the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. Discuss key events, leaders, and the quest for racial equality.


Scheme of Work: Conduct a role-play activity simulating a Civil Rights protest. Assign a research project on a prominent figure in the movement.


Week 5: The Space Race and Scientific Advancements

Lesson Note: Explore the Space Race and scientific advancements during the mid-20th century. Discuss the impact on technology and society.


Scheme of Work: Organize a class discussion on the significance of space exploration. Assign a project on a notable scientific advancement.


Week 6: Globalization and the Information Age

Lesson Note: Investigate the rise of globalization and the Information Age. Discuss the interconnectedness of economies and the advent of technology.


Scheme of Work: Conduct a debate on the positive and negative aspects of globalization. Assign a project on the impact of technology on communication.


Week 7: The End of the Cold War

Lesson Note: Examine the events leading to the end of the Cold War, including the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.


Scheme of Work: Organize a simulation of key Cold War events leading to its end. Assign a research project on the impact of the end of the Cold War on global politics.


Week 8: Contemporary Global Issues

Lesson Note: Explore current global issues such as climate change, terrorism, and human rights. Discuss the role of international organizations in addressing these challenges.


Scheme of Work: Conduct a class discussion on possible solutions to contemporary global issues. Assign a project on a current world event.


Week 9: Middle East Conflict

Lesson Note: Investigate the historical roots and complexities of conflicts in the Middle East. Discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its implications.


Scheme of Work: Organize a debate on possible solutions to the Middle East conflict. Assign a research project on a key figure in the region’s history.


Week 10: Global Environmental Issues

Lesson Note: Examine major environmental challenges, such as deforestation, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Discuss the importance of sustainable practices.


Scheme of Work: Conduct a project on environmental conservation efforts. Assign a research project on a significant environmental issue.


Week 11: Revision Week

Activities: Review key concepts, conduct practice tests, and engage in group discussions. Provide resources for self-study and clarification of doubts.


Week 12: Examination Week

Activities: Administer exams covering the entire term’s material. Ensure a fair and comprehensive assessment of students’ understanding.


Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Activities: Wrap up the term with a summary of key learnings. Provide feedback on exams and discuss expectations for further historical exploration. Encourage students to stay informed about current events and their historical context.

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