SS2 Third Term Economics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1: Economic Policy
Lesson Note: Begin the third term by discussing economic policy formulation and implementation. Explore how governments address economic challenges through policy decisions.
Activities: Analyze recent economic policies and their impact on different sectors.
Week 2: Globalization and Its Effects
Lesson Note: Dive deeper into globalization, examining its effects on economies, cultures, and societies. Discuss both positive and negative aspects.
Activities: Assign a research project on the impact of globalization on a specific country.
Week 3: Consumer Behavior
Lesson Note: Explore the factors influencing consumer behavior, including psychological and sociological aspects. Discuss the role of advertising and marketing.
Activities: Conduct a survey on consumer preferences and analyze the results.
Week 4: Market Failures and Government Intervention
Lesson Note: Examine situations where markets fail to allocate resources efficiently. Discuss the role of government intervention in addressing market failures.
Activities: Analyze case studies of market failures and propose appropriate government interventions.
Week 5: Poverty and Income Inequality
Lesson Note: Discuss the causes and consequences of poverty and income inequality. Explore potential solutions and the role of government policies.
Activities: Organize a community service project to address local poverty issues.
Week 6: Labor Market and Unemployment
Lesson Note: Explore the functioning of labor markets and the different types of unemployment. Discuss policies aimed at reducing unemployment.
Activities: Invite a guest speaker from the labor market to share insights and experiences.
Week 7: Economic History and Development
Lesson Note: Study the economic history of a selected region or country, emphasizing key milestones and their impact on development.
Activities: Create a timeline of significant economic events and developments.
Week 8: Technology and Economic Change
Lesson Note: Examine the role of technology in driving economic change and innovation. Discuss the impact of technological advancements on various industries.
Activities: Explore emerging technologies and their potential economic implications.
Week 9: Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Lesson Note: Discuss the importance of business ethics and corporate social responsibility in the economic context. Explore case studies of ethical and unethical business practices.
Activities: Organize a debate on the ethical responsibilities of businesses.
Week 10: Financial Literacy
Lesson Note: Introduce basic financial concepts, including budgeting, saving, and investing. Discuss the importance of financial literacy for individuals and society.
Activities: Create a financial literacy awareness campaign within the school community.
Week 11: Revision Week
Lesson Note: Review key economic concepts studied throughout the term and address any remaining questions. Conduct practice exams to prepare students for the upcoming examination.
Activities: Group study sessions, review quizzes, and interactive revision games.
Week 12: Examination Week
Lesson Note: Administer the final examination, covering all economic topics studied during the third term.
Activities: Ensure a focused and quiet environment for the examination.
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Lesson Note: Summarize the term’s economic learnings, celebrate achievements, and provide guidance for continuous exploration of economic concepts during the break.
Activities: Reflect on the academic year, distribute report cards, and set expectations for future economic studies.