SS2 First Term Commerce Lesson Note and Scheme of Work
Week 1: Introduction to Commerce
Overview of Commerce as a subject.
Importance of Commerce in daily life.
Discussion on basic economic concepts.
Activity: Group discussion on real-life examples of commerce.
Week 2: Business and its Environment
Understanding the business environment.
Types of business activities.
Role of stakeholders in business.
Activity: Research and presentation on a local business.
Week 3: Forms of Business Ownership
Sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation.
Advantages and disadvantages of each form.
Case studies on successful businesses.
Activity: Group project to create a fictional business and choose its ownership structure.
Week 4: Trade
Meaning and types of trade.
Import and export trade.
Trade barriers and facilitators.
Activity: Simulated trade negotiation exercise.
Week 5: Money and Banking
Functions and characteristics of money.
Types of banks and their services.
Role of central banks.
Activity: Designing a basic personal budget.
Week 6: Insurance
Understanding insurance and its importance.
Types of insurance policies.
Insurance providers and their roles.
Activity: Analyzing insurance scenarios and discussing possible solutions.
Week 7: Transportation and Communication
Modes of transportation.
Importance of effective communication in business.
Impact of technology on transportation and communication.
Activity: Group presentation on the evolution of communication in business.
Week 8: Warehousing
Functions and types of warehouses.
Importance of efficient warehousing in business.
Inventory management basics.
Activity: Warehouse visit or virtual tour.
Week 9: Consumer Rights and Responsibilities
Understanding consumer rights.
Ethical considerations in business.
Responsibilities of consumers.
Activity: Role-playing scenarios of consumer-business interactions.
Week 10: Marketing
Basics of marketing.
Marketing mix: Product, Price, Place, Promotion.
Market research and segmentation.
Activity: Creating a simple marketing plan for a product.
Week 11: Revision Week
Reviewing key concepts and topics covered.
Q&A sessions.
Practice tests and quizzes.
Week 12: Examination Week
Conducting written and practical examinations.
Week 13: School Dismissal Week
Recap of the academic term.
Providing feedback on examinations.
Distributing progress reports.
Activity: Celebratory class event or outing.
Note: Adjustments to the scheme can be made based on the pace of the class and any unforeseen circumstances. This scheme aims to provide a comprehensive coverage of the Commerce curriculum with engaging activities to enhance understanding.