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Government JAMB Past Questions And Answers (Objectives and Theory)

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Government JAMB Past Questions And Answers (Objectives and Theory)


Section A: Multiple Choice Questions


What is the primary objective of government?

a) Economic growth

b) Social welfare

c) National security

d) Political power

Answer: b) Social welfare


Which of the following is NOT a function of government?

a) Law enforcement

b) National defense

c) Profit maximization

d) Public infrastructure development

Answer: c) Profit maximization


What is the purpose of taxation by the government?

a) To generate revenue

b) To control inflation

c) To regulate international trade

d) To promote economic growth

Answer: a) To generate revenue


Which branch of government is responsible for making laws?

a) Executive

b) Legislative

c) Judiciary

d) Administrative

Answer: b) Legislative


What is the role of the judiciary branch in government?

a) Enforcing laws

b) Making laws

c) Interpreting laws

d) Implementing laws

Answer: c) Interpreting laws


What does the term “separation of powers” refer to in government?

a) The division of government into federal and state levels

b) The division of government into executive, legislative, and judicial branches

c) The concentration of power in a single branch of government

d) The distribution of power among different levels of government

Answer: b) The division of government into executive, legislative, and judicial branches


What is the purpose of checks and balances in government?

a) To ensure equal representation

b) To prevent abuse of power

c) To promote political stability

d) To increase government efficiency

Answer: b) To prevent abuse of power


What does the term “civil liberties” refer to in government?

a) Rights guaranteed by the government to its citizens

b) Rights related to participation in elections

c) Rights related to religious freedom

d) Rights related to property ownership

Answer: a) Rights guaranteed by the government to its citizens


What is the purpose of public policy in government?

a) To promote social welfare

b) To generate revenue

c) To regulate international trade

d) To increase government spending

Answer: a) To promote social welfare


Which of the following is NOT a form of government?

a) Democracy

b) Monopoly

c) Dictatorship

d) Republic

Answer: b) Monopoly


Section B: Theory Questions


Define government and discuss its role in society.

*Answer: Government refers to the system or body responsible for governing and administering a country, state, or community. Its role in society includes:


Providing public goods and services such as education, healthcare, transportation, and infrastructure.

Ensuring national security and defense against external threats.

Maintaining law and order through law enforcement and judicial systems.

Protecting individual rights and freedoms through legislation and civil liberties.

Promoting economic stability and growth through fiscal and monetary policies.

Regulating markets, industries, and business activities to protect consumers and promote fair competition.

Representing citizens’ interests and addressing their needs through democratic processes and political representation.

Fostering social cohesion and cultural identity through social programs and community initiatives.

Government plays a crucial role in maintaining order, stability, and progress in society, as well as promoting the common good and the well-being of its citizens.*

Discuss the concept of democracy and its principles.

*Answer: Democracy is a form of government where power is vested in the people, either directly or through elected representatives, who participate in decision-making and governance. Its principles include:


Popular sovereignty: The ultimate authority rests with the people, who elect representatives and participate in political processes such as voting and elections.

Political equality: All citizens have equal rights, opportunities, and access to political participation, regardless of wealth, social status, or other factors.

Majority rule: Decisions are made by a majority vote, with respect for minority rights and protections against tyranny of the majority.

Rule of law: Government actions are subject to legal constraints, including constitutional principles, separation of powers, and respect for individual rights and liberties.

Protection of minority rights: Minority groups are guaranteed equal rights, protections, and opportunities, ensuring inclusivity, diversity, and tolerance in society.

Accountability and transparency: Government officials are accountable to the people, who have the right to information, oversight, and scrutiny of government actions and policies.

Democracy promotes civic engagement, participation, and representation, fostering freedom, equality, and justice in society.

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