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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS3 Third Term Automobile Parts Merchandising Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS3 Third Term Automobile Parts Merchandising Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS3 Third Term Automobile Parts Merchandising Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Introduction to Automobile Parts Merchandising


Introduction to the course and its importance in the automotive industry.

Overview of automobile parts and their classifications.

Discussion on the role of automobile parts merchandising in the supply chain.



Presentation on the importance of automobile parts merchandising.

Group discussion on different types of automobile parts.

Week 2: Understanding Customer Needs


Identifying customer needs and preferences in automobile parts.

Strategies for effective communication with customers.

Importance of customer feedback in improving merchandising strategies.



Role-playing scenarios of customer interactions.

Analysis of customer feedback from case studies.

Week 3: Inventory Management


Principles of inventory management in automobile parts merchandising.

Techniques for stock control and replenishment.

Introduction to inventory management software.



Simulation exercises on inventory management.

Practical demonstration of inventory management software.

Week 4: Pricing and Profitability


Factors influencing pricing decisions in automobile parts merchandising.

Pricing strategies and their implications on profitability.

Calculating profit margins and markups.



Case studies on pricing strategies in the automotive industry.

Group discussions on setting competitive prices.

Week 5: Sales and Marketing


Marketing techniques specific to automobile parts.

Creating effective sales presentations and pitches.

Utilizing digital marketing channels for promotion.



Role-playing sales scenarios.

Designing marketing campaigns for specific automobile parts.

Week 6: Supply Chain Management


Understanding the automotive supply chain.

Role of merchandisers in ensuring smooth supply chain operations.

Logistics and transportation considerations.



Mapping out the automotive supply chain.

Guest lecture from a supply chain management expert.

Week 7: Quality Assurance


Importance of quality control in automobile parts merchandising.

Implementing quality assurance processes.

Dealing with product recalls and warranty claims.



Inspection exercises on automobile parts.

Case studies on quality assurance failures and their consequences.

Week 8: Customer Service and After-sales Support


Providing excellent customer service in automobile parts merchandising.

Handling customer complaints and returns.

Importance of after-sales support and warranties.



Role-playing exercises on handling customer complaints.

Creating after-sales support policies.

Week 9: Regulatory Compliance


Understanding regulatory requirements in automobile parts merchandising.

Compliance with safety and environmental standards.

Legal considerations in product labeling and documentation.



Researching regulatory requirements for automobile parts.

Group discussions on compliance challenges.

Week 10: Market Trends and Forecasting


Analyzing market trends in the automotive industry.

Forecasting demand for automobile parts.

Adapting merchandising strategies to market changes.



Market research project on current trends in automobile parts.

Group presentations on demand forecasting techniques.

Week 11: Revision Week


Reviewing key concepts covered throughout the term.

Practice exercises and quizzes to reinforce learning.



Group review sessions.

Mock exams to assess understanding.

Week 12: Examination Week


Final examination covering topics from the entire term.



Conducting written and practical exams.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week


Wrap-up session and reflection on the course.

Feedback collection from students for course improvement.



Course evaluation survey.

Farewell gathering for students and instructor.

This lesson note and scheme of work aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the SS3 Third Term Automobile Parts Merchandising course, focusing on practical skills and knowledge essential for success in the automotive industry.

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