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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

SS2 First Term Further Mathematics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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SS2 First Term Further Mathematics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


SS2 First Term Further Mathematics Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

Week 1: Introduction to Further Mathematics

  • Lesson Note: Basic concepts in Further Mathematics, importance of the subject.
  • Scheme of Work: Introduce topics like Sets, Functions, and Relations.
  • Activities: Group discussions on the relevance of Further Mathematics in real-life scenarios.

Week 2: Sets and Functions

  • Lesson Note: In-depth study of sets, types of functions.
  • Scheme of Work: Teach operations on sets, composite functions.
  • Activities: Solve practical problems using sets and functions.

Week 3: Number Bases and Logarithms

  • Lesson Note: Understanding number bases and logarithmic functions.
  • Scheme of Work: Convert numbers between different bases, logarithmic laws.
  • Activities: Practice exercises involving number bases and logarithms.

Week 4: Matrices and Determinants

  • Lesson Note: Introduction to matrices, properties of determinants.
  • Scheme of Work: Matrix operations, solving linear equations using matrices.
  • Activities: Matrix calculations and application of determinants in solving systems of equations.

Week 5: Further Trigonometry

  • Lesson Note: Advanced trigonometric concepts, including compound angles.
  • Scheme of Work: Trigonometric identities, solving trigonometric equations.
  • Activities: Real-world applications of trigonometry.

Week 6: Coordinate Geometry

  • Lesson Note: Cartesian coordinates, equations of lines and circles.
  • Scheme of Work: Plotting graphs, finding equations of lines and circles.
  • Activities: Graphical representation of real-life problems using coordinate geometry.

Week 7: Complex Numbers

  • Lesson Note: Introduction to complex numbers, operations with complex numbers.
  • Scheme of Work: Solve equations involving complex numbers.
  • Activities: Practical exercises on complex number operations.

Week 8: Differentiation

  • Lesson Note: Basic principles of differentiation, rules of differentiation.
  • Scheme of Work: Differentiate functions, applications of differentiation.
  • Activities: Problem-solving involving differentiation.

Week 9: Integration

  • Lesson Note: Introduction to integration, methods of integration.
  • Scheme of Work: Integrate functions, applications of integration.
  • Activities: Practical problems requiring the use of integration.

Week 10: Statistics

  • Lesson Note: Descriptive and inferential statistics.
  • Scheme of Work: Data representation, measures of central tendency, probability.
  • Activities: Data analysis, probability experiments.

Week 11: Revision Week

  • Lesson Note: Comprehensive review of topics covered.
  • Scheme of Work: Focus on challenging concepts, address student questions.
  • Activities: Practice tests, group discussions, and clarification sessions.

Week 12: Examination Week

  • Lesson Note: Final preparations for examinations.
  • Scheme of Work: Conduct mock examinations, review important concepts.
  • Activities: Mock exams, question and answer sessions.

Week 13: School Dismissal Week

  • Lesson Note: Recap of the term, encouragement for continuous learning.
  • Scheme of Work: Provide resources for self-study during the break.
  • Activities: Reflection on the term, distribution of study materials for the holidays.

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