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SS3 First Term Marketing Past Questions And Answers

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SS3 First Term Marketing Past Questions And Answers


Here are 20 SS3 (Senior Secondary 3) First Term Marketing questions with options and answers:


Question: What is the primary purpose of marketing?


A. Profit maximization

B. Customer satisfaction

C. Employee engagement

D. Cost reduction

Answer: B. Customer satisfaction

Question: Which of the following is NOT a component of the marketing mix?


A. Product

B. Promotion

C. Pricing

D. Production

Answer: D. Production

Question: What is the term for the set of interdependent organizations that help make a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user?


A. Market segment

B. Distribution channel

C. Marketing strategy

D. Brand positioning

Answer: B. Distribution channel

Question: The process of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs, characteristics, or behavior is known as:


A. Target marketing

B. Market segmentation

C. Product differentiation

D. Market positioning

Answer: B. Market segmentation

Question: What is the term for the unique set of brand associations that represent what a brand stands for and promises to deliver to customers?


A. Brand equity

B. Brand loyalty

C. Brand personality

D. Brand image

Answer: D. Brand image

Question: Which pricing strategy involves setting a high initial price to capitalize on the willingness of early adopters to pay more?


A. Penetration pricing

B. Skimming pricing

C. Discount pricing

D. Cost-plus pricing

Answer: B. Skimming pricing

Question: What is the term for the process of planning, collecting, and analyzing data relevant to marketing decision-making?


A. Market research

B. Product development

C. Sales forecasting

D. Advertising

Answer: A. Market research

Question: In the context of the product life cycle, what stage is characterized by rapid market acceptance and increasing profits?


A. Introduction

B. Growth

C. Maturity

D. Decline

Answer: B. Growth

Question: Which promotional mix element involves non-personal communication from an identified sponsor?


A. Advertising

B. Personal selling

C. Public relations

D. Sales promotion

Answer: A. Advertising

Question: What is the term for the overall process of creating, pricing, distributing, and promoting products to satisfy customer needs?


A. Sales management

B. Marketing mix

C. Product development

D. Market orientation

Answer: B. Marketing mix

Question: Which of the following is an example of a demographic segmentation variable?


A. Lifestyle

B. Psychographics

C. Age

D. Personality

Answer: C. Age

Question: What does SWOT analysis stand for in marketing?


A. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

B. Sales, Workforce, Objectives, Tactics

C. Strategic, Worldwide, Operations, Trends

D. Sustainability, Wealth, Organization, Technology

Answer: A. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

Question: Which type of product is typically high-priced, often one-of-a-kind items that are not frequently purchased?


A. Convenience product

B. Shopping product

C. Specialty product

D. Unsought product

Answer: C. Specialty product

Question: What is the term for the set of all actual and potential buyers who have sufficient interest in, income for, and access to a product?


A. Market share

B. Target market

C. Market segment

D. Market positioning

Answer: B. Target market

Question: Which stage of the product life cycle is characterized by a rapid decline in sales and profits?


A. Introduction

B. Growth

C. Maturity

D. Decline

Answer: D. Decline

Question: What is the term for a written document composed of an analysis of the current marketing situation, opportunities, and threats for the firm, marketing objectives, and strategy specified in terms of the four Ps?


A. Marketing plan

B. Business plan

C. Strategic plan

D. Operational plan

Answer: A. Marketing plan

Question: Which of the following is a factor considered in the external macroenvironmental analysis of marketing?


A. Employee morale

B. Political trends

C. Internal processes

D. Production costs

Answer: B. Political trends

Question: What is the term for a pricing strategy where a company sets a low initial price to penetrate the market quickly and deeply?


A. Skimming pricing

B. Penetration pricing

C. Premium pricing

D. Cost-plus pricing

Answer: B. Penetration pricing

Question: In the context of the marketing mix, what does “promotion” involve?


A. Determining the product price

B. Creating and maintaining favorable public relations

C. Making the product available to customers

D. Communicating information about the product to the target market

Answer: D. Communicating information about the product to the target market

Question: Which type of distribution strategy involves using all available outlets to distribute a product?


A. Intensive distribution

B. Exclusive distribution

C. Selective distribution

D. Extensive distribution

Answer: A. Intensive distribution.

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