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SS2 First Term IRS Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 First Term IRS Past Questions And Answers


Here are 20 SS2 First Term IRS (Islamic Religious Studies) questions with options and answers:


Question: What is the meaning of “Quran” in Arabic?


A. Guidance

B. Revelation

C. Prayer

D. Charity

Answer: B. Revelation

Question: Which Islamic month is known as the “Month of Fasting”?


A. Rajab

B. Shawwal

C. Ramadan

D. Dhul-Hijjah

Answer: C. Ramadan

Question: What is the first pillar of Islam?


A. Salah (Prayer)

B. Shahada (Declaration of Faith)

C. Zakat (Charity)

D. Sawm (Fasting)

Answer: B. Shahada

Question: Who is considered the first prophet in Islam?


A. Musa (Moses)

B. Ibrahim (Abraham)

C. Adam

D. Isa (Jesus)

Answer: C. Adam

Question: In which city was Prophet Muhammad born?


A. Makkah

B. Madinah

C. Jerusalem

D. Cairo

Answer: A. Makkah

Question: What is the significance of the Hajj pilgrimage?


A. Commemorates the Prophet’s migration

B. Marks the end of Ramadan

C. Symbolizes unity of Muslims

D. Celebration of Prophet’s birthday

Answer: C. Symbolizes unity of Muslims

Question: How many times a day are Muslims required to perform the obligatory prayers (Salah)?


A. Two

B. Four

C. Five

D. Six

Answer: C. Five

Question: What is the term for the Islamic declaration of faith that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger?


A. Takbir

B. Tawhid

C. Shahada

D. Istighfar

Answer: C. Shahada

Question: What is the name of the angel who delivered Allah’s messages to the prophets?


A. Jibreel (Gabriel)

B. Israfil

C. Mikail

D. Azrael

Answer: A. Jibreel (Gabriel)

Question: Which companion of Prophet Muhammad is known as the “Sword of Allah”?


A. Abu Bakr

B. Uthman

C. Ali

D. Umar

Answer: C. Ali

Question: What is the significance of Laylat al-Qadr?


A. Prophet Muhammad’s birthday

B. Night of Ascension

C. Night of Power

D. Night of Forgiveness

Answer: C. Night of Power

Question: What is the name of the pilgrimage that is not obligatory but highly recommended in Islam?


A. Hajj

B. Umrah

C. Ziyarat

D. Tawaf

Answer: B. Umrah

Question: Which prophet is known for building the Ark (ship) as per Islamic tradition?


A. Nuh (Noah)

B. Lut (Lot)

C. Shu’ayb

D. Yusuf (Joseph)

Answer: A. Nuh (Noah)

Question: What is the term for the Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah that every Muslim must undertake at least once in their lifetime?


A. Hajj

B. Umrah

C. Tawaf

D. Qiyam

Answer: A. Hajj

Question: In which month do Muslims fast during the daytime as part of Ramadan?


A. Rajab

B. Sha’ban

C. Ramadan

D. Shawwal

Answer: C. Ramadan

Question: What is the term for the Islamic concept of monotheism, declaring the oneness of Allah?


A. Tawhid

B. Takbir

C. Shahada

D. Zakat

Answer: A. Tawhid

Question: Which wife of Prophet Muhammad is known as the “Mother of the Believers”?


A. Aisha

B. Khadijah

C. Hafsa

D. Fatimah

Answer: B. Khadijah

Question: In Islam, what is the term for giving to charity, typically calculated as 2.5% of one’s wealth annually?


A. Sadaqah

B. Zakat

C. Khums

D. Waqf

Answer: B. Zakat

Question: What is the name of the ritual performed by Muslims during Hajj, involving the stoning of three pillars representing Satan?


A. Tawaf

B. Sa’i

C. Rami

D. Mina

Answer: C. Rami

Question: Which Islamic scholar is famous for his compilation of Hadith known as Sahih al-Bukhari?


A. Imam Malik

B. Imam Shafi’i

C. Imam Hanafi

D. Imam Bukhari

Answer: D. Imam Bukhari.

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