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Secondary School Lesson Notes and Scheme of Work

JSS1 Second Term French Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

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JSS1 Second Term French Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Second Term: JSS1 French Lesson Note and Scheme of Work


Week 1: Travel and Transportation

Lesson Note: Introduce French vocabulary related to travel and transportation. Conduct activities where students describe different modes of transport in French.


Scheme of Work: Plan a travel-themed project where students create a French travel brochure. Assign a writing task on describing a journey in French.


Week 2: Clothing and Fashion

Lesson Note: Teach French vocabulary related to clothing and fashion. Organize a fashion show activity where students describe their outfits in French.


Scheme of Work: Assign a project where students design a French-inspired clothing line. Conduct discussions on fashion trends in French-speaking countries.


Week 3: Health and Body Parts

Lesson Note: Introduce French vocabulary related to health and body parts. Conduct activities where students describe common ailments and practice giving and receiving health advice in French.


Scheme of Work: Organize a health fair project where students create informative posters in French. Assign a writing task on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Week 4: Festivals and Celebrations

Lesson Note: Teach French vocabulary related to festivals and celebrations. Engage students in discussions about various French cultural events.


Scheme of Work: Plan a French cultural festival in the classroom with students presenting on different festivals. Assign a project on researching and presenting a specific French celebration.


Week 5: Professions and Occupations

Lesson Note: Introduce French vocabulary related to professions and occupations. Conduct role-play scenarios where students act out different job roles in French.


Scheme of Work: Organize a career day in French where students research and present about their dream professions. Assign a writing task on future career aspirations.


Week 6: Technology and Communication

Lesson Note: Teach French vocabulary related to technology and communication. Conduct activities where students discuss the impact of technology in French-speaking countries.


Scheme of Work: Plan a technology fair where students present projects related to French innovations. Assign a writing task on the advantages and disadvantages of technology.


Week 7: Animals and Nature

Lesson Note: Introduce French vocabulary related to animals and nature. Conduct activities where students describe different animals and their habitats in French.


Scheme of Work: Organize a French wildlife conservation project. Assign a writing task on the importance of preserving nature in French.


Week 8: Time and Daily Activities

Lesson Note: Teach French expressions related to time and daily activities. Conduct activities where students plan their daily schedules in French.


Scheme of Work: Plan a time management project where students create and present their daily routines. Assign a writing task on the significance of time in French culture.


Week 9: Cultural Diversity

Lesson Note: Introduce the concept of cultural diversity in French-speaking countries. Conduct discussions on the richness of French culture.


Scheme of Work: Organize a cultural diversity day where students share presentations on various aspects of French culture. Assign a project on exploring the diversity within the French-speaking world.


Week 10: Food and Cuisine

Lesson Note: Explore more advanced French vocabulary related to food and cuisine. Conduct a French cooking class or food tasting activity.


Scheme of Work: Plan a French culinary project where students create and present a traditional French dish. Assign a writing task on the cultural significance of French cuisine.


Week 11: Revision Week

Activities: Review key concepts from the term through interactive games, quizzes, and group discussions. Provide additional practice materials for reinforcement.


Week 12: Examination Week

Activities: Conduct a comprehensive examination covering the topics taught throughout the term. Provide clear instructions and support for students during the exam.


Week 13: School Dismissal Week

Activities: Reflect on the term’s achievements and celebrate students’ progress. Distribute certificates or awards for outstanding performance. Encourage students to continue practicing French over the break. Share resources for further learning during the holidays.

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