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Past Questions and Answers

SS2 Second Term Geography Past Questions And Answers

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SS2 Second Term Geography Past Questions And Answers


Here are 20 SS2 Second Term Geography Questions with options and answers:


Question: Which ocean is the largest and deepest on Earth?


a) Atlantic Ocean

b) Indian Ocean

c) Southern Ocean

d) Pacific Ocean

Answer: d) Pacific Ocean

Question: What is the name of the boundary between the Earth’s crust and mantle?


a) Mohorovičić Discontinuity

b) Gutenberg Discontinuity

c) Lehmann Discontinuity

d) Conrad Discontinuity

Answer: a) Mohorovičić Discontinuity

Question: Which type of rock is formed from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava?


a) Sedimentary rock

b) Igneous rock

c) Metamorphic rock

d) Shale

Answer: b) Igneous rock

Question: What is the process of breaking down rocks into smaller particles due to physical processes?


a) Erosion

b) Weathering

c) Deposition

d) Sedimentation

Answer: b) Weathering

Question: Which continent is known as the “Dark Continent” due to its relatively less explored interior?


a) Asia

b) Africa

c) South America

d) Antarctica

Answer: b) Africa

Question: What is the term for the loss of water from the leaves of plants through small openings called stomata?


a) Transpiration

b) Evaporation

c) Absorption

d) Condensation

Answer: a) Transpiration

Question: The imaginary line that connects points of equal temperature on a map is known as:


a) Isotherm

b) Isobar

c) Isohyet

d) Isoline

Answer: a) Isotherm

Question: Which type of soil is often referred to as “heavy soil” due to its fine particles?


a) Sandy soil

b) Loamy soil

c) Clayey soil

d) Peaty soil

Answer: c) Clayey soil

Question: What is the name of the movement of ocean water that brings nutrients from the deep to the surface?


a) Upwelling

b) Downwelling

c) Gyre

d) Tidal current

Answer: a) Upwelling

Question: The process of changing ice directly into water vapor is known as:


a) Melting

b) Sublimation

c) Evaporation

d) Condensation

Answer: b) Sublimation

Question: Which layer of the atmosphere is closest to the Earth’s surface?


a) Exosphere

b) Thermosphere

c) Troposphere

d) Stratosphere

Answer: c) Troposphere

Question: The boundary between two air masses with different temperatures and humidity is known as:


a) Front

b) Trough

c) Ridge

d) Cyclone

Answer: a) Front

Question: Which river is the longest in the world?


a) Amazon River

b) Nile River

c) Yangtze River

d) Mississippi River

Answer: b) Nile River

Question: In which type of forest biome are trees adapted to withstand seasonal droughts and fires?


a) Rainforest

b) Deciduous forest

c) Coniferous forest

d) Savanna

Answer: d) Savanna

Question: What is the term for the process of turning atmospheric nitrogen into a form plants can use?


a) Nitrogen fixation

b) Nitrification

c) Denitrification

d) Ammonification

Answer: a) Nitrogen fixation

Question: Which type of volcano has a broad, gently sloping profile and is characterized by non-explosive eruptions?


a) Stratovolcano

b) Shield volcano

c) Cinder cone volcano

d) Composite volcano

Answer: b) Shield volcano

Question: What is the term for the process of rocks and soil moving downslope due to gravity?


a) Deposition

b) Weathering

c) Erosion

d) Mass wasting

Answer: d) Mass wasting

Question: Which layer of the Earth’s atmosphere contains the ozone layer and absorbs ultraviolet radiation?


a) Troposphere

b) Stratosphere

c) Mesosphere

d) Thermosphere

Answer: b) Stratosphere

Question: Which type of agriculture involves cultivating a single crop on a large scale?


a) Mixed farming

b) Subsistence farming

c) Commercial farming

d) Intensive farming

Answer: c) Commercial farming

Question: The process of water seeping into the ground and becoming groundwater is known as:


a) Runoff

b) Infiltration

c) Percolation

d) Discharge

Answer: b) Infiltration.

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